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Instacart - Predictions on Test Set

23 minute read

In this notebook we will load the trained Random Forest classifier, built in the Instacart Model Fitting notebook, and make reordered products predictions fo...

Instacart - Model Evaluation

3 minute read

In this notebook we will load the Random Forest model fitted on all the training data and evaluate its F1-measure performance on the validation set, using a ...

Instacart - Model Fitting

20 minute read

In this notebook we will fit simple reordering classifier models using the features extracted from the Instacart Market Basket Analysis dataset provided by K...

Instacart - Feature Engineering

14 minute read

In this notebook we will mostly use Pandas to engineer features from the Instacart Market Basket Analysis Kaggle competition. In the original Kaggle competit...

Instacart - Exploratory Analysis

11 minute read

In this notebook we will explore the Instacart data set made available on Kaggle in the Instacart Market Basket Analysis Competition. We will be using Python...